Welcome To JY Properties

People spend most of their time at work or at home.

Finding the right space to make you happy where you are is our goal.

See what we currently have available for rent.  If you see something that will fit your needs, please fill out the preliminary application and we will discover if we are potentially a good fit.

~ James & Jodi Yager

Residential Property

1101 S Main St in Scott City 
Currently NOT Available

4 Bedroom/2 Bath


Commercial Property 

Currently NOT Available

Available Rooms

  • $500 = One LARGE room 
  • $500= Two MEDIUM attached rooms with walk-in closet
  •  $900= All three rooms (discounted)

Ready for more?
Please fill out the form below so we know 
you have interest in this property.

Commercial Property  

Building for Sale


Once Both Parties Discover The Right Fit

Here is the application needed to begin the process...

"LOVE Where You Live, LOVE Where You Work."
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